Film making course's students working on film editing

Understanding the Business of Filmmaking and Production

The world of cinema is not just fancy cameras and A-list actors. An entire business side that makes the magic happen on the big screen! If you want to pursue a career in the film industry, looking behind the camera on the business side of things is essential. The film business is an exciting journey that combines creativity with practical skills. Today, we are exploring different areas without which there will be no movie for the audience to watch. These include the financing, production and distribution departments. 

Film business basics 

Filmmaking is a creative but profit-oriented industry, just like any other business. The goal is to create a product and generate revenue from sales. Like other enterprises, the film industry consists of different professionals who are divided into different departments that build the foundations of the film business. Let’s look at the key departments and roles in the film business. 

  1. Script development

Before you start any work on a film, such as budgeting, casting, design or marketing, the first step is to come up with an idea and turn it into a full-fledged script writing. This idea can come from anywhere, an inspiration while taking your evening walk, a book you enjoyed, an article in a magazine or even a real-life event. This process can stretch for a long duration because you need to come up with ideas, secure rights, find a screenwriter for screenwriting, and figure out how to fund it. 

  1. Budgeting and financing 

The challenging tasks of making a film and getting it on the floor come after you’ve found a way to secure funds for the script development. Now, you need to find enough funds to bring your script to life from paper to screen. Many filmmakers often use a mix of options to budget the film. These options might include: 

  • Using their personal savings to fund the project. 
  • Finding an investor or grants who wants to invest in your movie. 
  • Securing funds through equity financing – receive money in exchange for a share of the profits. 
  • Going for debt financing – taking a loan from a financial institution.  
  • Crowdfunding – a way to raise small amounts of money from a large number of people. 
  1. Film production

Once funding is secured, the production phase begins. This usually involves three stages – pre-production, production, and post-production.  

  • Pre-production:

    Here you start refining the script, create a story board, cast actors who fit the roles, find and secure filming locations, design sets etc.

  • Production:
    This is the stage where you start filming the scenes as per the script and manage time effectively to stay on schedule.
  • Post-production:
    At this stage, you start assembling the footage into a coherent narrative and add sound effects, dialogue, music and VFX to enhance the film. This stage also includes marketing and distribution. 
  1. Exploitation

At this stage, the film reaches the audience through your distribution channels, which can include theatre, cinema, and OTT platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO, Hulu, or traditional television channels. This stage also falls under the marketing umbrella because it’s the job of the marketing department to identify film’s target audience and create multiple strategies to find various channels to reach them. 

The business of filmmaking is a complex process that involves different stages, experienced professionals and several companies that come together to create a film and reach the audience. If you are passionate about cinema, you can start your journey into the industry by enrolling in a film making course like the Bachelor of Screen & Stage (Screen Production), offered by APAC at their modern campus in Brisbane. This two-year course can not only help you understand the basics of the industry but also gain the practical skills and knowledge needed for a successful career in the film industry. 

Frequently asked questions about the business of filmmaking 

Q1. What is the business of filmmaking? 

Ans. The business of filmmaking is the business side of film production, in which each and every department plays a role. Some of the most common departments in almost every film are production, financing, distribution, and marketing. 

Q2. Who is the person responsible for the financial aspects of a film? 

Ans. In general, the executive producer is responsible for arranging the film’s financing. His duties also include keeping the project on track and within the allotted budget. In most scenarios, the executive producer credit is the person who made the project possible. 

Q3. Who handles the business side of production? 

Ans. Film producers are responsible for setting the budget for the film and giving approval for any major changes to the project. Their role also includes ensuring the production is completed within the proposed timeframe. They are ultimately responsible for the final product. 

Q4. What are the stages of film production? 

Ans. There are basically three stages of film production. 

  • Pre-production: Brainstorming ideas, scriptwriting, storyboarding, casting, set designing, scouting locations, etc. 
  • Production: Filming, rehearsals, lighting setup, camera setup, blocking, stunt coordination, on-site special effects, etc. 
  • Post-production: Video editing, sound editing, sound mixing, visual effects (VFX), colour correction and grading, marketing, distribution, etc. 

Q5. How do filmmakers finance their projects? 

Ans. Filmmakers finance their projects using a mix of self-funding, equity financing, debt financing, film grants, pre-sales, sponsoring, crowdfunding, etc. If you want to learn more about filmmaking, join APAPC’s film making course in Brisbane. With our course, you can learn every aspect of pre and post-production, learn to write scripts, produce, and even become a film director!