An Actor in Acting Training

7 Tips and Techniques for Overcoming Stage Fright

Can you feel your heart racing, palms sweating, or legs shaking when you perform in front of others? That is your stage fright kicking in. It is the unwelcome guest that has been crashing parties for decades. This is a widespread phenomenon faced by many in the performing arts industry. At APAC, we believe your talent deserves a stage and should not take a backseat due to performance anxiety. That’s why we’ve put together a toolkit of seven practical tips and techniques for overcoming stage fright and giving your best on stage and on screen. Whether it’s an audition you want to ace or a theatre performance you’re looking forward to, these tips will help you overcome your anxieties and deliver unforgettable performances. Keep reading to transform your nervous jitters into applause! 

What are the causes of stage fright? 

Before you can start overcoming stage fright, you must understand the root cause of your fears. Why does this happen? What’s triggering this? By understanding the psychology behind your fears, you can take the first step in overcoming them.  

  1. Psychological causes: Your mind is a powerful thing and sometimes it can play tricks on you. It can turn a small thought into a full-blown stage fright. It can be something like messing up your lines, falling on stage or the fear of what others might think or say about you. 
  1. Physiological causes: Your body is programmed to protect you from things that may cause you harm, and sometimes, it can go into an overprotective state. When you feel nervous, your body might react with sweaty palms, a racing heart or shaking legs as a signal for you to get out of these situations. 

Understanding these causes can help you pinpoint your triggers and start coming up with stage fright solutions.  

Techniques for overcoming stage fright 

The first step for overcoming stage fright is to accept that it’s not the most unusual thing in the world. Even famous personalities like Jennifer Lawrence and Adele have been the victims of performance anxiety. But they use different tips to push past their fears and deliver brilliant performances that the masses enjoy. Let’s look at some of the methods to defeat performance anxiety and manage your nerves. 

  1. Prepare for your performance

Whether he is performing in front of the camera or on stage, you will feel much more confident and will be able to keep your nervous tics aside if you know your material inside and outside. Memorise your lines, learn more about your character and rehearse diligently, both alone and with others. 

  1. Acknowledge your nervousness

Feeling anxious before a performance is perfectly normal. Ignoring these feelings won’t put a stop to them but by focusing only on that, you are giving your mind space for them to build up. Give yourself a time limit to acknowledge your fears, and then slowly let go. 

  1. Visualise your performance

Before you step on stage, do a mental rehearsal of your performance. Imagine yourself delivering your lines confidently, interacting with other actors and connecting with the audience. This is a great exercise for building confidence and calming the nerves. 

  1. Try breathing exercises

As confirmed by many performing artists around the world, deep breathing exercises can not only calm your nervous system but also restore your body to balance. Whether it’s before or during your performance, close your eyes and practice slow and belly breaths to feel steady in your body. 

  1. Create a routine

Develop a routine before going on stage. It’ll provide you with a sense of control and reduce pre-show anxiety. You can do some light stretches or listen to music while rehearsing your lines to relax and direct your energy to your performance. 

  1. Practice positive self-talk

You can’t imagine the miracles that positive words can do. Instead of staying on something, practice positive affirmations and say to yourself, “I’m ready”, “I am sure” and “I will be brilliant on stage” to replace your fear with self-confidence. 

  1. Be present in the moment

Don’t let the voice in your head swallow you. Live in the present and focus on what you are doing at that moment. Switch attention from your anxious thoughts to your performance. It’ll help you deliver lines confidently and become a better performer. 

These tips for overcoming stage fright are a start. When you start performing, you will have to find what works for you. It can be positive self-talk to keep the negative thoughts at bay or exercising regularly to boost those endorphins. You don’t know until you try, and even then, sometimes, you can’t do much. Maybe you’ll have to ask someone to push you onto the stage, like Laurent Olivier, and hope you don’t fall down and perform wonderfully. 

If you are new to this and want to learn more about acting on screen or on stage, check out our Acting course. At APAC, we not only prepare you for the art of acting but also how to manage your anxieties. You will have several opportunities to learn and work with industry professionals, polish your skills and practice your public speaking skills, which is a big part of becoming a successful actor. Join us in Brisbane to start your journey today! 

Frequently asked questions for overcoming stage fright 

Q1. What are the causes of stage fright? 

A1. There can be many reasons for stage fright.  You may feel that others are judging you or afraid of making a mistake. Your anxieties can be caused by any number of reasons, your past experiences, lack of confidence or even unrealistic expectations. But the important thing is how you overcome your fears to let your talent shine. 

Q2. How to overcome stage fright while acting? 

A2. When you’re acting and can feel your anxieties creeping in, try stage fright techniques like deep breathing, positive self-talk, focusing on your lines, and connecting with your partner or audience to calm your nerves. 

Q3. What techniques are most effective for reducing stage fright? 

A3. Some techniques for overcoming stage fright that are most effective are: 

  • Practice deep breathing. 
  • Exercising regularly. 
  • Rehearsing your lines. 
  • Watch something funny. 
  • Focus on your material. 
  • Stay present in the moment. 

Q4. Can stage fright be cured? 

A4. While you may not find a permanent cure to cast away your stage fright, you can find techniques to manage it so that it does not hold you back from sharing your talent with the world. Explore our Bachelor of Screen & Stage (Acting) to learn from experts in the industry and hone your skills. 

Q5. How to speak on stage without fear? 

A5. When speaking on stage, focus on your material and connect with your audience. If you find your heart racing, take a few deep breaths. Make sure to practice a lot beforehand so that you know your material. Also, be prepared for any unexpected things that might come your way.