
What Is Screen Production

We spend the majority of our time using technology these days,…

Are You Wanting To Further Your Skills In The World Of Dance?

A Bachelor of Dance can open up a wide range of exciting career…

Tips For Auditioning And Preparing For A Performing Arts School

Auditioning for a performing arts school can be an exciting…

The Role of Costume and Makeup in Productions

When studying a Bachelor of Performing Arts, you will be involved…

The Basics Of Stage Lighting And Sound Design

As a Bachelor of Screen Production student, you may find yourself…
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How To Choose The Right Performing Arts School For Your Interests And Goals

Performing arts schools like APAC are institutions that offer…
Open Day 2023

What Does The Future Of Film Look Like?

The traditional model of filmmaking - big budgets, extensive…

A Complete Guide To Performing Arts Degrees In Australia

Have you ever thought about your career within the performing…

Should I enrol in a degree in screen production?

Perhaps you want to be a filmmaker? Or is your passion for production? These are just some of the career outcomes enrolling in a Bachelor of Screen Production could lead you to. The Bachelor of Screen and Stage (Screen Production) is a great way to gain the practical skills and knowledge you need to turn your passion into a fulfilling career.

The wonderful world of filmmaking in a 5 minute read

There are few art forms that are as exciting and challenging as filmmaking. Turning a script into a living, breathing film is a daunting task that requires both creative vision, technical expertise and educational experience.

How does your personality impact your dance style

Did you know that there are 4 main personality types that tend to influence how we dance? They are categorised as driver, expressive, analytical and amiable. Let’s break it down for you.
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What Is a Casting Director & What Makes a Successful Casting Director?

What is a Casting Director? A Casting Director is someone who casts an actor, dancer or singer into a film, tv program, radio show, theatre and other productions and roles.